I love this breed. I saw it once it once with its owner at a pet store and I was fond by its beauty, alertness and smart look. I wanted to come and ask the owner about it, and it sensed I was coming so it froze in its place and gave me this ice cold looks with no barking or any noise whatsoever, but once I said Hi and the owner responded back, it relaxed and started brushing between the owner's legs.
This short movie shows a bit of that but also the video clip has beautiful music and the clips put together nicely.
From the producer of this short movie:
"The film is about a Doberman who is taunted by a little boy. He later chases down the trouble maker for his chips once he sees his owner come home he quickly stops pursuit to join her. During the video you can see how the people playing basketball stop to get out of his way, the little girl drops the ball and the slow motion shot where the lady is just watching him. I was trying to convey the power and beauty of the breed."