It was 2005 that was the warmest year on record (NASA) , then it was 2006 (MSNBC)
Now the prediction is that 2007 will likely be the warmest year on record (BBC).
Off course still lazy and benefited lobbies of US asses and the conservatives alike of Canada still trying to decide what to do about it.
But to be fair, we need to look at their view point; So what? few Polar Bears die or maybe most, water will cover some lands due to ice melting, a lot in US and Europe, so what? People will probably experience strange diseases and more cancer cases... even better, good for Medical Economy and pharmaceuticals..Ahh at least most people making these decisions are old anyways and may not see the worst to come, as for their children, they have enough money to hide in their castles...
So having said that, from more environmental point of view, I drink to you, you ignorant bastards, do what you like, you are not the only selfish assholes and you will never be the last... Cheers!
Cheers MONE cheers! Nothing compares a good drink to feel good and have fun ;)
Let someone else worry about the global warming.....Just kidding!
Actually that's really freaking, in january in paris it's 12 degres wich is not normal, last year by now it was 0 degres,it was my first year here and it was so cold that one day I almost packed and came back to leb lol :D
This global warming is getting dangerous and it's not only due to human actions as mr N. posted on his blog http://manakeesh.blogspot.com/2007/01/true-threat.html but also due to the sun, I'll just copy and paste what I commented there:
The important part of the global warming is due to the human activities but the sun is also held responsible for a part of it.
"On the surface of the sun there's dark regions that gets to a maximum every 11 years (last time was on year 2000). Theses regions are enrolled with shining regions producing lots of lights and the increase of this activity produces an increase in temperatures.
A study based on 3 cycles, each of eleven years, quantified for the 1st time the increase of lighting,0.1% during a cycle.
So they came out with the conclusion that it has a neglected effect on the earth heating.
But another study lead in France said that 3 cycles are not emough to estimate the lightings variations and that the sun is going through pertutbations not totally clarified so far since the ice age between 1645 and 1715 which makes hard to determine how much the sun in responsible...
So all this boring bla bla bla just to say that the sun might be responsible too but yet we dunno how much!
Look at the bright side, I am a poor sucker in a shanty, but OK house. But once the sea level rises, two hundred feet or so, I will have ocean around me, a sailboat on a dock nearby and my property value will have increased by 2000%.
The dark side, I will have to employ at least two full time guards to protect it, with all imaginable firepower possible.
No, bullshit aside Mone. I share your sentiments!
I agree with both of you guys...
Really...we need to look at positive aspect, especially in the light of what we can do which is not much except for few protests and voting green party maybe...ect..screw it, I m in Toronto area and haven't shoveled snow yet, how better can it get?
Krys, yes maybe there are other things that are involved, but maybe there isn't, so which is better , to sit there and wait for confirmation or act immediately to cut CO2 emissions, take a hard look at animal farming and our consumption of meat, which is drying out rivers and cutting tree out of rain forests and other forests...etc
You're 100% right Mone, I was just adding new materila to this global warming problem....I agree that one should act immediately..
You haven't seen snow yet in Toronto...well come to paris, it's getting warmer day after day, can you beleive that two days ago we had 18 degrees in january!!!
That's just freaking!!!
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