Monday, February 05, 2007

Seeking the truth

Pentel 0.5mm


Krys said...

what's this a bowling ball?
I didn't get the drawing Mone? :P

Mounir said... silly it s not bowling ball :):)
each ball represents our belief system that we use to get to the truth, god or whatever. maybe it s religion..or and idea..

So the truth of this ball in the painting are the windows of the ball.

These people take this big struggle to reach the windows thinking they will see a god or something miraculous but instead they see simply a big hole :):)

Krys said...

oopsy am I supposed to figure it all out after 12 hours of working with kids on the teletubbies music lol :D

No seriously, now that I got the explanation, I love the drawing...
very "impressive" !

Mounir said...

glad u liked my bowling balls :)
I was looking your posts, so Sam who watches the movies with you is the one who followed you in the last cartoon when you were running away? am I connecting the puzzle pieces?

Krys said...

Noooooo... sam is a childhood friend :)
We've been friends for 24 years and now both of us are in France.
Actually I have 3 of my chilldhood friends in Paris & ironically they are all boys :P
You can c the hands of two of them on the post "j'y suis, j'y reste" (jan 26)

And coming soon....more cartoon episodes lol :D

Mounir said...

oh..i c,

Childhood friendships are really nice, I have one friend of mine like that but he s in Syria :( but we still talk routinely on the phone and he may come here this summer :)