Religion in this analysis is not what you think. It s not few traditions glued together to form a worship. Religion is the truth, why we are here and where we come from and what we have to do.
Politics has a strange link to religion. It is mistaken many times over with this concept. Right now, most of our religions are nothing but basic political movements.
Real religion is very difficult to find. Gandhi himself was mistaken to be a great spiritual leader in the east. He is not. He is a good hearted Politician.
      Politics deals with the law of popularity. It is a popularity contest. What you need to have to be a leader or politician , is charisma, the smarts, and the will to gather people around you and form a force. Religion doesn't care about people, gathering, or even enhancing your charismatic character. Buddha, was given a choice of joining his father's kingdom, he refused and went on for the search of the truth. He found it and told his people weather they like it or not, he wouldn't change anything. Same thing with Moses, Jesus, Mohammad and others. None of them was seeking a popularity contest. They were seeking the truth, not the told truth but the experienced truth. The real religion is that which shows you how to experience the truth and not the one promising you of a price after death. It is what you need to experience now, right now while you are alive, while the seconds are ticking and with each ticking your death bed is opening its arms wide open more and more...
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