Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Saudi form of skiing

Hey folks, don't try this on your next highway trip!!!


Scent of the Levant said...

lol.. this is the 1239609357487487 time I have heard the song "habibi ya nour el 3ayn" by Amr Diab.I love his music and I actually went to one of his concerts.But that song in particular is just over played!

I wonder how fast the car was going while they were doing that.

Mounir said...

Ya that album was one of his best!
I wondered too how much the car is going, but note that they are very safe, they have the car's flash lights on!!!

(imagine one of his flipper went flying and his toe got caught scrambled with his dashdasha.. hmm)

Dareen said...

That is too funny :D even funnier cuz of their dishdashas LOL....

I know i'm gonna have a hard time seeing dashadeesh walking around :S

transient said...

There is a greased highway, cleared for dishdashi wings,
foolish droll skidding
a culture crashes, burning on a desert highway

Mounir said...

Soon Dareen you will be surrounded with more dashdasha's than you would ever dream off..the land of dashdashas..haha but Dubai is still much better..so don't worry ok..

Transient, you should be grateful for the dashdasha-slipper skating, they inspired you to write this nice short poem :D