Sunday, August 19, 2007

Thank you sun

I had the privilege of meeting a man they called here in the west "HRM" and host his stay for one day in my home when he was in Toronto area. His real name is "Hira Ratan Manek" and he utilizes sun gazing to obtain his energy and heal his body. The energy he gets from sun gazing made up also for all the food he needs! He has eaten very little of solid food for the last 8 years, and lives primarily on fluid such as water and occasional tea or coffee.

Mr. Riha also indicates the importance of sun gazing (early in the morning or an hour prior to sun dawn) to achieve both spiritual growth and physical growth.

I think depriving our bodies of sun is absolutely a certificate of disease and death. Our planet's life depends on the light of the sun and couldn't sustain life without it. We should all be grateful for this element of life.

I will be updating this blog and writing here some reviews of the benefit of sun in general and other updated info regarding sun gazing in specific.