As my credit at audible was coming to renewal I started looking at my wish list. But instead I noticed that a friend of mine just posted on Facebook recommending this title.
In quick glimpse, It looks as it is another NDE which we all heard and read about.
But come to think of it, few people have written good detailed book documenting their experiences. I decided to take the plunge.
The book has been written and recited by Anita Moorjani. She comes from an Indian heritage living in Hong Kong speaking with a "very cute" British accent.. but I have to stop myself here.
Anita describes in this book her life in details, prior to her NDE, during her NDE and after her NDE . And when I say details I mean it! To the extent where I found that the majority of the book is really about documenting her life repeating herself every once a while.
Perhaps this served to make you experience living in her life situation and that is a good thing but for a book documenting wisdom of what happen during the NDR I think it could have been summarized better.
I went through the book twice. The first time I had to hold myself not to press the forward button during the pre NDE and the retelling of how biologically Anita had Cancer and survived it.
The other issue is that I find myself haunting for to capture all the important points and eventually created a simple list (below) to help get to these very interesting points quickly.Lastly I found some items were brought up in different chapters while others grouped nicely forming a good digestive paragraph. I would love to see each chapter per each major point covering related items together in one place.
On the NDE Experience
If I would summarize the recommendation behind the book I would say it in few words:
Be free and
be Brave.
The word allow is simply to surrender. while being free is simply not be afraid and comes from the state of allowing. State of courage also comes naturally when one is free and in total surrender.
As the digest of the book happened in the last couple of chapters, it left many important items not answered. For example discussing reincarnation, at one chapter Anita indicated that our understanding is inaccurate as all lives happen at the same time. However in earlier chapter she saw her brother in a different life time while she was older and taking care of him. Also on the fact that she said everything happens at one, she indicated in another chapter that our purpose is to evolve and better our self and that the moment that is gone is lost forever and will not repeat.
Below is a list of the last few chapters, hoping to summarize and give one an idea of the most important items:
Reason for return and healing
is to forgive ones self
-Life here is the most desirable state for me at this time
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-Unconditional self love that eliminated fear.
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-Cancer was the product of fear
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-To live life from Joy instead of fear
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-Used to caught up in doing, achieving and driven by fear,
selfish and not good enough
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-Came back to be, everything come from love, follow my heart
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-To discover my own individual path
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-I used to control my thoughts when I feel negativity, but the
truth is to be truthful to ones self
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-Do things that make us happy and bring the best of us
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-Our purpose to allow ourselves to be our magnificent self
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-is different from thinking positive
-Awareness doesn't need defending
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Ones point of view/ Belief system
-Don't defend your point of view or belief as this will make you
reluctant to let go even when our belief don't serve us anymore
-Accept that my understanding is incomplete to allow more into my
life and open one to infinite possibilities
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-Suspend belief and disbelief to experience most clarity
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-Asking for certainly is hindrance to accept greater level of
| |
on Sickness & life
-Sickness not necessarily our fault but our biology responds to
our awareness, our surrounding do too
-Don't live to other expectation of perfection, instead live to
what life simply allow you to be
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-When you let go, you work with with life not against it
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-The important of self love, especially at times of difficulties,
| |
on Love
-Lesson that saved my life: Realize that you are love rather than
giving and receiving too transcend dualities, there is no separation between
us, if you care about one self, you care about others too. One is simply
expression of love. Even negatives are part of this as life energy
-Universal life energy is love
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-Realize your true essence of being love allow you to give
priority to yourself and be yourself all the time
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-Selfishness come from lack of self love
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-When I realize I'm love I don't get drain or expect people to
treat me certain way for approval
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-When I'm not judgmental to my self I feel the same way to others
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-Not to be harsh on oneself when experiencing challenges .. Most
challenges are the result of not realizing your truth
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-When you feel your magnificence you don't feel the need to
control others or allows others to control you
| |
-Realizing that I am love made the biggest difference or
realization during my NDE ... You don't need anything to be love you are
already love
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-The whole universe is an extension of me
| |
Reincarnation and after life
-Reincarnation as a past life is not supported by the NDE...
Rather everything happens at once and our mind and physical being make that
interpretation to make sense of all life happening at once
-When someone had glimpse of what has been previously interpreted
as past lives it's really happening now (listen)
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-You are really accessing parallel or simultaneous existence
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-What if heaven and hell are right here
| |
-Our purpose is not to gain experience for after life but rather
to evolve this physical universe
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-We don't have to wait until we die to arrive to nirvana other
magnificence exit right now
| |
-We imagine/project after life based on our human system (fear,
retribution), but if we realize we are one life energy and love we don't need
to research externally. But we are getting more lost by doing this way. Our
answer is within us. Everything happens externally is to trigger something
inside us
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We are all one
-When we leave our bodies then we will realize we are all one
-You can feel this with our pets, and when we experience
Extrasensory or synchronicity
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-There is no creation separate than me
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-This allows me to live life in love and courage | |
Life Force/ Energy
-Life force is same as Chi, Parana, Reiki, source of life. It runs
into every living thing
Chi doesn't have a judgment
| |
-This energy is not separate from us, it is limitless and
formless. Realizing this is to create
healing and magic for us.
| |
-Once I let go, Chi was allowed to flow on its own. Soul is about
being while mind is about doing
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State of being
-Need to life from the state of being rather from doing. Being is
following emotions and feeling while being in the present. Doing is future focus,
mind creating series of tasks to accomplish a certain outcome regales of
emotion state.
To know if you are in the state of being, just watch the reason
for your decision is it fear for example or joy?
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-Fear, jealousy stem from the reason of not realizing your own
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-Problems come from not knowing who we are
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-If we stop judging ourselves we stop condemning others
| |
-This present condition of humanity is culmination of all of our
thoughts and believes
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-Criminals are victims of fear
| |
on Allowing
-Follow our own guidance to find what is right for us, not
necessarily follow a dogma
-Prayer can bring a lot positive attitude such as allowing and
letting go, which contribute to our own being and to others. But for others
it could be listening to music, being in Nature or pursing knowledge and
technologies. so it is not prayer in itself that makes us aware of our
magnificent self, but the ability to connect with our own passion, giving our
life a sense of unity.
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-I find meditation very helpful while others may not.
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-The minute this start to be hard it may not work well for you.
State of allowing is what you need to look for.
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-If negative thoughts come, just allow them with acceptance and
without judgment. -The more you push them away the more they push back.
Eventually they will pass.
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-Our feeling is most important parameters to determine condition
of our lives
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-Being true to our self is more important than staying positive.
| |
-Every moment that passes cant be replicated
| |
-on "the law of attraction: I prefer to think of the word
"Allowing" rather than "Attracting"
| |
-Perfection is constant in motion
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-When you allow is realizing whatever you desire is already yours
Overall 4/5
Performance 4/5
Story 3/5
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