Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Book Summary: Deep work,

The first thing that may come to mind when reading the title of this book is what the author meant with “Deep Work” and if it applies to you?

One way of knowing that, is the definition the author gave to “Shallow work”:
“Non-cognitively demanding logistical style task often performed while distracted, these efforts tend not to create much new values in the world and are easy to replicate”

From the definition, to work deeply is not exactly white and black, there is gray area. The author touched on that and left it to everyone to define a metric to judge how deep/productive is the work he/she is performing. The author himself is academic so his metric is defined for example by how many peer review papers he can purplish per year. The common theme throughout the book however, what defines “Deep Work” is the ability to perform the task at hand with full concentration for lengthy period without being distracted. This means blocking access to social media, emails, phones and other distracted technologies.

I think the book could use more examples for different skills, but on the other hand providing more examples could derail the point of the book and make it less effective. The book offer, however, many insights into other great achievers throughout the history and how they did it.

There are lots of excellent points in the book, although they are a bit scattered, so in my summary below I tried to group them for easier reference. 

Interesting Books referred:
·        “Getting Things Done, The Art of Stress-Free Productivity” (David Allen)
·        “The talent code Unlocking the Secret of Skill in Sports, Art, Music, Math, and Just About Anything” (Daniel Coyle).
·        “Flow: Living at the Peak of Your Abilities” (Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi)
·        “So Good They Can't Ignore You: Why Skills Trump Passion in the Quest for Work You Love” (Cal Newport)       

Book Summary

Introductory Notes
·        Success depends in one’s ability to go deep, again and again, there's no way to achieve great things without pushing your brain to its limit.
·        Deep Work is important to get the best out of your capacity, it is not New concept as it was practiced by many through history, for example:
1.      Carl Jung concentration techniques during Freud time 1920s.
2.      Mark Twain using isolation to write his novels.
3.      Woody Allen from 1969 to 2016 completed 44 films, 22 academy awards on typewriter without computer
4.      Bill gate with “think week”.
·        With Network tools and Social Media, we are mostly doing shallow work replacing Deep Work.
·        In today’s environments, the new technologies advancement is narrowing the gap between what humans can do and machines, company are hiring stars for consultation services, remote access is often used for cheap labor. To remain competitive in this new environment you need to learn a lot and quickly, requiring Deep Work. Being average is over.

Three groups that will survive
1.      High skill worker, Data Analytics, Data Visualization and Rapid prototyping
2.      The Super Stars (Highly skilled)
3.      Owners investing in New technologies.
·        Quote: A deep life is good life.

How to become a winner in the new economy
1.      Ability to quickly master hard things, deliberate practice to improve in certain domain.
2.      Ability to produce at elite level in both quality and speed.
Criteria to be more competitive & Suggestions
1.      Ability to focus uninterrupted on the idea or skill you want to master.
o   In his book, “The talent code” Daniel Coyle talks about Myelin which is fatty white substance that surrounds the axon of some nerve cells, forming an electrically insulating layer. These fatty tissues allow the brain perform faster and better.
o   By focusing repeatedly, it encourages producing more Myelin
o   On the other hand, if you get distracted continuously, say on Facebook while working, you are firing many circuits and thus not strengthening these cells.
o   Quote: Use your mind like a focus lens.
o   law of productivity = Work produced= times spent • intensity of focus
o   This law explains why most successful students spend less time.
o   Multitasking dissipates attention with residual attention syndrome, exceptions managements: Jack Dorsey of twitter, salesmen and lobbyist, study shows however even they can be more productive if they limit their attention.
o   Ability to receive feedback to stay productive
2.      Different ways to focus
o   Monastic way: Isolate yourself to go deep. Applies if you have discrete contribution to make.
o   Bimodal: Alternate between deep and shallow during the week or day or even switch in season.
o   Journalistic: Go deep whenever possible.

Business as proxy for productivity
·        J. E. Hirsch Metric to measure your academic foot print
o   Anything over 40 is high, 10 or less is risky
·        Quote: Idle mind is devil workshop
·        Quote: Deep life is life well lived
·        Transform your professional life into one central on depth

Psychological impact of Deep Work
·        Experiments show that What you focus on is what makes u happy regardless of the type of work
·        Study by Csikszent Mihalyi, flow; indicates that stretching your mind to achieve something is more enjoyable than simply relaxing.

Philosophical approach to Deep Work
·        Idea of the scariness of things that you can tune into regardless of the job you are doing

Rules to transform your professional life into one central on depth
1.      Work deeply (Eudaimonia machine)
2.      We fight desires all the time, have finite well power which will be depleted once used.
3.      Add routines, set time/location for Deep Work
4.      Decide on your depth philosophy
5.      Ignore inspiration but rather ritualize and be consistent
6.      Quote: great creative minds think like artist and work like accountants
7.      Quote (Friedrich Nietzsche): “Only ideas won by walking have any value”.

Disciplines to go by

1.      Focus on outcome.
2    2. Act on lead measures (#customers) not lag measures (finance outcome)
a.      Another example: Lead (time spent), lag measures (number of books read)
3    3. Keep Score Cards (#hours Deep Work per week).
Be Lazy
·        Shut down after work.
·        Downtime is important for creativity.
o   Math mind need focus mind
o   Decision related to vague and various info, unconscious mind does better work
o   Downtime charges your energy such walking in nature
·        Don't take break from distraction but from focus.

Ways to train your mind to limit Distraction and increase creativity
·        Internet Sabbath is not very effective, i.e.; one day no internet.
·        Schedule time for the internet per day
·        Work like Ted Roosevelt:
o   Identify a task, challenge yourself to reduce the time to finish it
·        Meditate productively; choose a project or idea and think about it without interruption during physical time such as walking the dog, commuting to work.
o   Be worry of distraction (more interesting thought) and looping (when facing difficult or challenging thought)
·        Structure your deep thinking (always think about objectives and steps)
·        Memorize deck of cards (explained in book)
·        Quit Social Media that's not beneficial.
·        Most experience people can spend Max 4 hours a day of Deep Work.
·        Schedule every minute of your day to minimize shallow activities.
·        Quantify depth of your activities
·        To define shallow work, ask the question how long does it take a fresh smart graduate to do that task.
·        Email smartly and minimize back and forth communications.
·        Quote: Develop the habit of having small bad things happen. If you don't you will never have time for the life changing big things.

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