Sunday, September 03, 2017

Book Summary: Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth about Wheat, Carbs, and Sugar--Your Brain's Silent Killers

Dr. Perlmutter takes us on a tour of the destructive effects of certain common food on our brains.

He makes a persuasive case for a wheat-free approach to preserve brain health and functioning, or to begin the process of healing.
If you want to boost your brain power, keep your memory, lift your mood and energy, as well as heal from a host of other common complaints, this book is for you.
I summarized the book by grouping titles/ideas together for easier reference.
In another word, the way you see the information below doesn't necessarily mirror how it was presented in the book. In fact, it may be completely the opposite, for example, the section on recommendations and what to avoid was compiled from different sections of the book and presented here as one first section. This was done to ensure no one misses these recommendations as they maybe the most important takeaways. In addition to the fact that there are some medical explanations later on that some may find too complicated or lengthy.

The Summary


Recommendations and what to avoid

1-Vitamins and other supplements

Probiotics: 50-100 billion, Delayed released, guaranteed Potency and stability, take on an empty stomach (C- section increases ADHD due to loose of healthy bacteria/probiotics which in turns increase sensitivity to gluten).
Vit D: 5000 mg a day.
Alpha lipoic acid: 300mg.
Coconut Oil: 1 Teaspoon.
DHEA 1000mg (1/2 of the brain is DHEA, regulate
inflammation,  orchestrate and enhances brain functions, helps with kids with ADHA).
EPA and fish oil (Increases nrf2 "see below in Gene section".
Turmeric 500 mg twice a day.
To be taken with fat: Vit A, K, D (K is extremely important for eye health).
Curcumin (Increases BDNF and Glutathione "see below in Gene and Hormone section").
Milk thistle (increases Glutathione for detoxification "see below in Gene and Hormone sections).

Q10: forms in the body as an antioxidant and produces energy for the cells. (Used as a treatment for Alzheimer, Statin diminishes it).

2-To eat more of

(Diet is much more important than taking antioxidants)

Olive, flax, Avocado, walnut oil  
Almond milk.
Nut butter.
Full-Fat cheese except for blue cheese.
Pumpkin and Chia seeds.
Mustard radish.
Fish twice a week (decreases Alzheimer)
Salmon Fish.
Black Cod.
Shrimp, Crab, Oysters.
Hummus once a while (Due to high Carb).

Other fruit (Once a while due to high sugar content).
Ketogenic diet

3- To avoid by all means

All Gluten and Wheat products including whole wheat, Barely, Burgel (Very high GI Index), Kumut, Reye, Oat Bran, Wheat grass, Oats...
Favoured coffee.

All types of Sugar
Ice cream.
All syrups.
Processed cheese.
Blue Cheese and be careful of Aged cheese.
Soy protein.
Soy yogurt ice creams and others,
Soy sauces including teriyaki sauce (use tamari sauce only),
Root beer.
Cotton, Vegetable, Safflower, Soybean,  Sesame Oil.

Blood Normality check

Blood Glucose less than 5.5
Insulin less than 8 (Ideally below 3)
Himmglobene 4.8-5.8
Fructosamine (reflection of glucose levels over the previous 2-3 weeks) Less than 188
Homocysteine (Elevated homocysteine levels have been associated with heart attack, stroke, blood clot formation, and perhaps the development of Alzheimer's )  

Vit D at least 80
Other tests to consider:
C reactive protein.
Gluten sensitive tests.

Carbs Vs Fat

Cognitive disease increase by 40% times on diet rich in carb.
On the other hand Protein, rich diet reduces it by 20%.
Fat reduces it further by 40%.

Ketogenic Diet

Alzheimer improved after only 28 days on the ketogenic diet.
Ketogenic diet reduces amyloid, Increases glutathione ( a Natural antioxidant in the hippocampus "see below"),  increases metabolic efficiencies, block cell destruction.
Usually, the brain gets Glucose from food, between meals it's done by glycogenic from liver and muscles, but after 3 days of not consuming glucose, the liver starts using fat turning it into Ketone.
To increase generation of Ketone (especially beta hydroxide butyrate) add MCT oil to the diet.

Gluten, Celiac, and Autism

Gluten from Greek is to glue.
It is the protein that holds flour together to make bread. Made up of 2 proteins.
This sticky protein plays the main role in inflammation in body and brain.
The reason you feel "Satisfied" when eating a bagel is that Gluten breaks into Peptide, crosses blood barrier, binds to brain morphine receptors.
Whole wheat bread has GI Index of 71 more than candies or table sugar.

What is Gluten sensitivity

Due to Cytokines (Cytokines are cell signaling molecules that aid cell to cell communication in immune responses) that block neurotransmitter like serotonin.
Most Gluten Sensitivity can be cured by Gluten and Dairy free diet.

Symptoms Of Gluten sensitivities

ADHD, Loss of balance, Autism, Diabetes, Bone pain, Osteoporosis, Brain fog, Chest pain, Dairy intolerance, Depression, Gas, bloating, Heart diseases, Migraine, Miscarriage, Dementia, Parkinson, Sugar craving.

Gluten and inflammation

Gluten stands in front of good absorption. Assault mostly affect the abdominal wall causing "leaky gut syndrome".
The immune system sends inflammatory Messengers as molecules, including kill cells,  to label this type of food as an enemy, this "war" damages the abdominal further causing further "leaky gut". The process releases cytokines identified as the immune messengers to the brain. 
cytokines are found in the brain of Alzheimer patients.
Then, antibodies combined with the problematic protein makes other antibodies and special Genes get turned on. The result is an attack on the brain cells.

Celiac and Autism

Celiac is inflammation of the gut.
Autism is the inflammation of the brain.
Reduced level Glutathione.
Reduced level of vitamin E.
Reduced level of vitamin C.
Introduces cytokines (as explained above) which are prime in degenerative diseases.


LDL is made up of a protein that carries cholesterol to the brain.  Cholesterol is the main ingredient of making testosterone.
Coronary heart disease has to do with the damage done by glucose attaching themselves to LDL cholesterol rendering it unable to deliver cholesterol.
Once LDL is damaged and oxidized, it becomes less able to deliver Cholesterol
Low LDL increases Parkinson by 350%.
Low mode indicates low cholesterol
Cholesterol help cell membrane transmits information from neuron to neuron. (A neuron is an electrically excitable cell that processes and transmits information through electrical and chemical signals).
Cholesterol is a precursor to Vit D, Estrogen and others.
(Vit D has almost identical molecule structure of cholesterol)

Cholesterol and Statin

In a 2009 study, Statin and low-fat diet evident to cause Alzheimer's related complications. One theory is that Statin hinders the liver to make cholesterol.
Other Studies point to Statin relation to Alzheimer as Statin reduces LDL particles going to the brain.
Statin reduces Q10 and Vit D.
Statin does lower heart-related diseases due to its anti-inflammatory properties not due to its Cholesterol Lowering function, either way, it is not worth the risk.
Another study points to Statin as a major cause of liver inflammation.
Statin Lower Cholesterol and other enzymes that produce Testosterone.

Oxidation and inflammation

Oxidation is a single electron that is not paired. Usually, electrons work in pair, once one is gone the molecule will turn crazy to steel electron from another molecule
What reduces oxidation reduces inflammation.
Antioxidant lend an electron to the molecule missing it.
Nrf2: Protein that regulates the expression of antioxidant proteins that protects against oxidative damage.

High Blood Sugar, Diabetes, and Brain Diseases

Diabetes doubles the risk of brain diseases.
Having diabetes before 65 years of age introduces 200% more cognitive dysfunction. Taking insulin produces the same negative effect.
Having high blood sugar produces about 170% increase for a cognitive disease.
As blood sugar increase, Serotonin and other hormones such as Dopamine get depleted. Vitamins such as Vitamin B, Magnesium get used up as well.
High blood sugar triggers Coagulation (Sugar Protein and certain fat get tangled together including the one in the brain).
Amyloid is a Protein found in all body and in the brain, in particular, doesn't get broken down properly, leading to brain diseases
Sugar deprives cells of Oxygens and causes inflammation in the brain.
2011 study shows that Diabetes double Alzheimer disease and increase Dementia by 75 %.
All degenerative diseases are caused by deformed proteins.
Glycation is the bonding of a sugar molecule to a protein or lipid molecule without enzymatic regulation.

Obesity, exercises, and Sleep

The fatter you are the smaller your brain.
Veserel fat triggers inflammation, disrupt hormonal actions, gets dumped in the liver causing other inflammation reactions and many diseases including cancer.
The more obese you are the more headache you will have (Keep good same wake sleep cycle).
Lack of sleep drives people to high-density carb food and salty snacks "see Leptin in Gene, Hormone section below".
Jogging induces BDNF (see Gene, enzyme section)

Body Index

Over 30% means you have 16 years older parts, 8 percent fewer brain tissues.
Over 25% means you have 8 years older parts, 4
percent fewer brain tissues.
When you exercise you exercise your genes.
Most beneficial to the brain are aerobics type of exercises.
Challenge the mind to store information, people with more education have less Alzheimer.


Fasting and reduction of caloric intake improve brain health overall.

Genes, Enzymes, and Hormones

 Cert1 is an enzyme that regulates genes expression.
We can change the expression of more than 70% of genes related to health. Cert1 degrades Amyloid (starch like protein where its accumulation leads to Alzheimer).
Certn1 modifies Cell receptors leading to the reduction in inflammation. (Ketogenic diet very beneficial)
BDNF Gene located in DNA chromosome 11 creates new neurons, protects existing neurons, encourages communication between neurons.
Sugar reduces BDNF.
Glutathione enzyme. Detoxification enzyme consists of 3 Amino acids, serves as an antioxidant, helps protect the cells, protect mitochondria, get body rid of toxins.
Also, protects against so many diseases such as glaucoma.
Can be measured.
Leptin hormone is a hormone made up of adipose cells that help to regulate energy balance by inhibiting hunger. It controls the creation of inflammatory molecules in fat tissues. Carbs affect sensitivity to Leptin.
Leptin can be considered the gateway for all hormones, controls hypothalamus ( a portion of the brain that contains a number of small nuclei with a variety of functions, one of the most important functions of the hypothalamus is to link the nervous system to the endocrine system via the pituitary gland).
Lack of sleep affects Leptin.
(endocrine consists of several glands that secrete their hormones directly into the blood: pineal gland, pituitary gland, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, hypothalamus and adrenal glands).
Neurotransmitters are important to brain cells and mood regulators.

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